Women entrepreneurship is a rapidly growing phenomenon in many developing countries including\r\nBangladesh. This paper reviewed the literature on women entrepreneurship development in Bangladesh\r\nwith specific focus on government and financial intermediaries supports. The article also identified\r\nmajor challenges that obstruct smooth development of women entrepreneurs. Women involved in\r\nvarious micro, small and medium enterprises take on the challenge to work in a male-dominated\r\nsociety, competitive and complex economic and business environment with the government policy\r\nsupports and financial institutions participation. They improved their living conditions and earned more\r\nrespect in the family and the society. However, the challenges that were identified includes lack of\r\naccess to credit, limited access to market information, infrastructure and utility services, traditional\r\ntechnology, bureaucratic complexity and so on. This article provides some useful academic insights\r\nand offers some practical suggestions toward improving government policy supports for developing\r\nwomen entrepreneurs.